#01. Brazzers
#02. RealityKings
#03. Chaturbate
Among the most interesting celebrity profiles that I’ve covered so far, Susan Sarandon stands out the most. But you’d be shocked to find out that it’s not due to some extreme pussy, butthole, or real sex scene. Nope, it’s everything to do with her personality and if you’re confused for now, don’t skip the top 10 facts session because that will reveal some “wow” facts about Susan. But for the rest of you, we dive deep into the naked celebs territory.
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Birthdate: October 4, 1946
Location: New York City, New York, USA
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 5 feet 5 inches (1.65 m)
Weight: 139 lbs. (63 kg)
Go, female power! With curly hair, naturally exposed boobs, dim lighting, and Susan Sarandon’s seductive glance, no man or female is safe from falling in love with her. And so it begins, the first naked picture, first of many, where your jaw will drop below the sea level.
With a typical 80s to 90s grainy filter, muted colors, or just poorly lit footage, this image might not look as exciting as today’s celebrity nudes, but that’s okay. Susan was the Scarlett Johansson of the previous decade, the queen of all queens, and to have a privilege at viewing her nudes is an opportunity rarely obtained.
Unmistakenly hot, Susan Sarandon stands in tandem with an equally attractive female friend in an intimate moment. There shouldn’t be any “horny” feelings whilst acting, I think and even if those were pussy scenes, I imagine Susan Sarandon would feel the same as if she’s in the sauna, surrounded by naked women.
If standing, looking at each other being naked is already hard, especially for guys who show excitement in a far more obvious way, then hold on to your horses. This is a ten times as sexy scene with Susan Sarandon kissing a male’s belly.
If you move downwards, there’s a guy’s cock, but if you slide with your lips upward, then the only destination is an alpha male’s lips. That’s exactly what’s presented in this picture. Two adults sharing an intimate moment.
We can hear you shouting out loud “tits, boobs, milk canons” and all that as you look at celebrity’s nudes. Susan Sarandon is phenomenal either way, naked or not, but for sure, it helps to imagine her in all the roles, if you know what I mean.
That’s what the audience likes to see or imagine as they find a new crush, in which case it’s Susan Sarandon! Plump, sweet-looking breasts as if you’re staring at a ripened peach or plum, draw the crowds. Hey, everyone knows that nude scenes help to grow popularity!
Not the frontal cortex, but boobs, celebrity boobs to be more specific. I wish Susan Sarandon did more naked scenes on today’s television because we’d have quality like no other. For now, however, these nudes are the best Hollywood has managed in the last decade or two. We’ll take that, nonetheless.
Not only is the texture out of this world, but it’s evident that Susan Sarandon is a good actress. That’s because she knows the best angles and how to move so the audience catches “the best bite”, if you will. A close competitor that I can think of right now would be a naked Lea Seydoux, who is also as talented as many other celebs.
Look wherever you want or imagine what you want, but there’s nothing “better” than this if you want the best naked pictures. On the left is someone’s knees while on the right is a hairy pussy, if we’re not imagining things. If you want to “peek” a bit more to the right, that’s sadly impossible as this frame is the best one can get as far as pussy exposing is concerned.
The reason behind this, for what it seems unrecognizable nude will be revealed in the movie section. This is not Susan Sarandon, but something (likely) related to her, which says more than enough to keep you on your toes. But if you feel like everything else is a waste of time and you want this mystery to be solved sooner than later, then look at the very last three GIFs of this article where the answers lie.
Joe (1970 Movie)
Shirt without bra out, underwear out, that’s what I’m talking about. Susan Sarandon is one of the very few exceptions where there are more naked videos than pictures or screencaps. We have no objections, of course, and it helps with the interactivity too, but that’s the trend!
Scene: 00:02:40
How much courage or self-confidence does one must have to undress fully and let the audience gaze their eyes wherever they want? That’s the same scene that I’ve revealed to you in the picture form above.
Scene: 00:02:50
One million miles separate my dreams from reality, most of which involve dating some of my celebrity crushes, including Susan Sarandon. Leaving less things to imagine for those who really care, Susan did a naked scene with an interesting angle, revealing just a few minor areas of her bobs.
Scene: 00:03:20
Pretty Baby (1978 Movie)
What was once sacred or sacrilegious is now communality, which is all good news for us. I vividly remember this clip from many decades ago and it’s just as exciting now as it was back in the day. Susan reminds me of Gaby Hoffmann, a celebrity with equally magnetic personality, charisma, nudes, talent.
Scene: 00:39:00
The Hunger (1987 Movie)
Whatever the dark red liquid was, I choose to ignore that part and focus solely on Susan’s nudes, especially when poking nipples are as visible as stars at night, in the dessert. The poking game brings me back memories of a naked Jennifer Aniston who is a master of all teases, doing so without even trying.
Scene: N/A
There’s more to an intimate moment than just nudity, which, of course, Susan Sarandon provides here. It’s about the mood, charisma, environment, the lighting, all the things. Happy to say that every bit of the fantasy is fulfilled here, in this scene, which goes on, and keeps on improving.
Scene: N/A
From what seems like a cut from The Matrix movie with interesting proportions and a hard to imagine setting, Susan Sarandon stands apart like gold covered piece of chocolate. But we aren’t even kidding, without watching the entire film, it’s impossible to imagine what the hell is happening in this video.
Scene: N/A
To learn to appreciate the human body, one must first surrender to it or in other words, undress, expose yourself, let the audience see you. This clip shows a lesbian couple, starring Susan Sarandon and friends, indulging themselves in a intimate moment, with nipple licking, sucking, nudes, all that.
Scene: N/A
There’s nothing more common in Hollywood than a clip showing naked celebrities in a shower. I don’t think there’s a more overused scene than this. But honestly, we aren’t even mad and love nudes in all shapes or forms. Especially if they feature Susan Sarandon’s naked bits, like tits, nipples, or a butt.
Scene: N/A
Unless I’m mistaken, this is Susan Sarandon’s naked ass, put on a platter for the world to see. The camera is sitting next to the firm, muscular cheeks, surrounded by water and someone’s hands. Or is this another actress, perhaps a butt double? If any experts are reading this post, let us know what’s your take.
Scene: N/A
With around ten nude GIFs left in store, we’re back with Susan Sarandon’s role that has left us speechless. She’s as talented as our readers are horny and if you’re one of the readers, then that’s a compliment of the highest grade.
Scene: N/A
Following a passionate lesbian kissing video, we have some good and bad news. First, this is the last naked or sensual clip featuring Susan Sarandon from this film. But the good news is that there are a few more movies to discover starting with the one from 1988 seen below.
Scene: N/A
Bull Durham (1988 Movie)
Watch and learn because there’s a big difference between new and experienced actress, especially when it comes to kissing. Sure, the 50s or 80s Hollywood was different as pecks were more common than French kissing, but Susan did a marvelous job here, so did the male figure who squeezed her blouse for that extra cushion.
Scene: N/A
There are two “removing the zipper” types of clips with first usually featuring a female’s dress being undressed from behind while the other version shows a male’s belt being removed. In this film, we’ve had the pleasure of experiencing both, thanks to Susan Sarandon.
Scene: N/A
Perhaps if this GIF was reversed, then the implications would be far more serious because you know, Susan would move next to a cock area or something. But even if her lips went from belly to chest, to lips, the desirable element is still here.
Scene: N/A
White Palace (1990 Movie)
Like all the golden age actresses, Susan slowed down her (naked) acting performances and went to live a happy, fruitful life. What you see is one of (but not) the last known movies in which you can see sex scenes, nipples, boobs, or anything in between. Yes, the early 90s happened and that was it for the next twenty years.
Scene: N/A
Thank you, my dearest, for giving us another naked video and one in which there’s more than just a half second of a nipple. Not only did the films from the 1990s had a superior quality compared to the previous decade, but the color tones, lighting, everything improved as well. This is perhaps one of the greatest scenes to show a naked Susan.
Scene: N/A
The Jesus Rolls (2019 Movie)
Scene: N/A
Thank you for being part of my adulthood, Susan, and thanks to everyone who kept scrolling to the very bottom. If the nudes from the 90s were among the last to be shown, then this is the final nail in the naked coffin, if you will. But unlike crispy, well-lit scenes from many decades ago, the 2019 film was all about dark rooms and nothing to see.
Even if technology improved, the nudes did not. I wonder if it was the movie director who has chosen to film in the dark or it was requested by Susan Sarandon herself. Either way, blessed are the people who made it. It’s a continuation of a weird threesome scene or something like that.
Scene: N/A
It’s not like the world got to see Susan Sarandon starring in a hardcore threesome sex scene, but at least we’ve received some material for our own fantasies. Sadly, as far ex explicit content goes, the only progression this entire sequence has ever seen was in a form of kisses.
Scene: N/A
This is the culmination, the end, the closure of Susan’s saga, covering many decades, many different angles, nipple shots, boobs, and part of the butt. The next clips, by the way, will be somewhat different yet equally as exciting. Because I know what you’re thinking, why are there three more GIFs, right?
Scene: N/A
So according to some sources, Eva Amurri is Susan Sarandon’s daughter and just because there is nothing else to show, I want to give you a few cool clips from the legendary TV series. I won’t go into the detail or compare genetics to see if this is legit or not, so perhaps someone else will.
Scene: Californication S03E03
Things have since progressed in the third episode with Eva Amurri dancing like a professional master of striptease. This woman has showed the world more in a minute than Susan did in decades, but that’s exactly what made us watch her in the first place.
Scene: Californication S03E03
As large as Granny Smith apples, likely just as sweet if not sweeter, these breasts raised our blood pressures beyond safe levels. And with that said, it’s the end of this article. I bet you didn’t expect to see Susan Sarandon and someone else at the end of it!
Scene: Californication S03E03