Top 29: Pornstars Before & After Breast Enlargement, Boob Job (2025)

A gallery of pornstars after the plastic boob job.

Top 29: Pornstars Before & After Breast Enlargement, Boob Job (2025)

#1. Brazzers
#2. RealityKings
#3. BangBros

Ah, the joys of enhancing your looks and hiding the ugly truth. Today no one cares whether you have fake or real boobs if they look good. From success stories of the ugliest pornstars becoming mediocre sluts after breast enlargement to mediocre-looking gold-diggers landing rich husbands due to silicone injections. Isn’t this world a fucking happy place?

To show you the truth and the actual looks of many pornstars, we did not do a lame list of before and after makeup or some other overused nonsense. Instead, it’s a list of around 25 popular pornstars that have had their tits enlargement, with clear photos showing before and after results. Yes, things can go wrong in the operating room, but having now viewed 50 photos, we can only conclude one thing. Boob jobs rock, and everyone should do this shit, including grandmothers and your mom.

29Alanah Rae

These are not the worst tits we have seen, and if you think they are bad, wait… The result is, of course, awesome. It might be slightly too round for my liking, as the enlarged tits appear close to exploding. A “before photo” is awful in every way, with weird pointy boobs and a large empty area above her stomach. I would bang her anyway without many regrets.

28Aletta Ocean

Peel your carrot to another result of a boob job gone wrong. While the natural titties were way too small for any decent sex, the imploded bazookas after breast enlargement surgery look more like tumors than the milk-giving machines. Aletta might have undergone a few Botox injections to her lips. Possibly a nose surgery, too?

27Amia Miley

A breast enlargement surgery went right, almost. Amia already had some okay-looking breasts, and considering the small implants she has chosen, we see no reason to waste money on this boob job. The before and after pictures are nearly identical. You either go big or go home; in this case, Amia should just go home.

26Amy Brooke

Now, that’s what I am talking about a beautiful and successful breast enlargement surgery that fits her physique perfectly. Nothing over the top, and implants not big enough to stretch her skin beyond human limits. Is this the most beautiful pair of tits out there? No. Did the implants enhance her looks? Absolutely.

Amy Brooke should be very thankful to whoever operated her and helped choose the right size.

25Ashton Pierce

I don’t know how such transformations are even possible, from flat-chested to a pornstar with one of the largest tits in the industry.

Did she hit puberty in her 40s or something? Was there a hormone treatment? Whatever the case, Ashton has broken the laws of physics. Is this a female example of a “grower and not a shower”?

We have no idea how you can stuff so much plastic under that small area. If it weren’t for tattoos and her eyes, people would confuse this picture with two different pornstars.

24Bobbi Eden

Now, this boob job is a bit controversial. I think that Jesus delivered Bobbi a nice pair of natural breasts, and the after picture on the right is wrong. Either she had some traumatic experiences in her early years, or Miss Eden has no idea what the heck she is even doing. I’ll take the one before surgery.

23Bridgette B

She’s one of the more popular pornstars, which hit the jackpot with her boob job. Before and after pictures look great, and there is almost no indication that Bridgette has undergone breast enlargement surgery. With the 40s underway, the age group with many MILFS with large breasts, she fits and sits nicely. However, the saggy party did help to blend the fake silicones and achieve a more natural look.

22Britney Amber

Let’s say that Britney should have received a boob job for her 18th birthday. The before photo looks a bit Photoshopped, but that was the only picture we could find of her before the surgery. The face is decent, and the Adonis belt is full of awful tattoos, yet I would still fuck the pornstar on the right. If someone can confirm whether this is fake, please do.

21Brooke Banner

What started as the BBC porn scene for some interracial porn site, ended with Brooke receiving a rather juicy pair of milk makers. So, that is another tasty and well-done boob job.

Even though the tattoos enhanced her looks, the hair is also better. Brooke has undergone a massive transformation in every aspect and looks much better than she did before. What a fantastic and smart lady.

20Dylan Ryder

Okay, so the before picture on the left is of Dylan with one breast enlargement surgery. The after picture on the right is after her second one. Should she have stayed with the smaller cup size? Cover her face (because that eliminates bias), and stare at the breasts only. Without the face showing, she enhanced the size well.

Now, if you don’t cover her face, it appears to be one of the worst tits surgeries ever, but that’s an illusion.

19Emily Mean

For this before and after shot to make sense, you need to zoom in because I can’t tell the fucking difference. Okay, the pointiness is gone, and the gap between Emily’s breasts is smaller, but wasting money just for this small effect? Another pornstar with more money than common sense. I am okay with tits that don’t look in the same direction. It’s part of the natural charm.

18Eva Angelina

I bet Eva was teased in school or college for her flat chest, serenading to hundreds of black cocks to raise her self-worth, and then spending that cash on her only dream: getting a pair of titties that would not make people laugh at her anymore.

Nice transformation minus the youthful face that did not age very well. So innocent on the left and a total whore on the right.

17Jasmine Jae

When your insecurities are so high that you ask the surgeon for the largest possible cup size… Jasmine used to look like a crack whore, with ghetto warts on her left, and now… She looks like a hungry slut, with everything fake. Of course, there is no way these locks are hers; fake eyelashes are obvious and those soon-to-be popping tits… But, she is as natural as love between you and a random escort.

16Jenna Presley

Drop some make-up, put on your choker, and you are left with one of the prettiest pornstars, Jenna Presley. The “before photo” is nice as there is nothing wrong with looking like a sexually unsatisfied housewife, but the after pic? God damn. The freckles are ruining her body in some aspect, but the fact remains: wherever you stare (be it tits, ass, pussy, or her face), Jenna still looks like a solid 9/10 babe.

15Jennifer Dark

Yeah, let’s not look at the before photo that much longer. Disgusting breasts on the left and juicy melons for the aftershot. They are perfect enough to sit well in your hand. Jennifer does have a belly hernia, so it seems (I had one, too), which, if fixed, could improve her looks even further. It’s not the popped-out belly button itself but the side effects of that. You have worse posture, less round booty, and other things showing.

14Katie Banks

One of the most successful, if not the best, breast enlargement surgery in the porn industry. So fucking perfect and so freaking hot. The before and after photos show you what is possible with a good doctor and a nice pile of cash. Whoever did this surgery should be very proud of himself and, hopefully, get recommended so more pornstars go there too. I can’t get over how great this pair of boobs look.

13Mackenzee Pierce

The obviously fake tits, and this is the effect that Mackenzee has tried to achieve. Some pornstars hide their boob jobs while others go all the way. There was nothing wrong with her natural breasts, so I guess she was trying to appear to a certain audience. Not my cup of tea, but there are 24 other pairs to choose from. They also don’t look round but have some weird angles.

12Melissa Lauren

This pornstar needed a nice boob job, and the result is great. You know the surgery went well when the before picture induces the feelings of cringe while the after pic is flooding your stomach (or dick, for that matter) with butterflies. Lauren should have gone with a cup one size smaller, but you must appreciate what you have. Her hair also looks healthier, which is a plus.

11Karmen Karma

Almost a decade ago, I read Karmen Karma’s interview in which she was happy about her newly done tits and how the surgery “made her more confident.” But as you expect from 99% of pornstars that make big money, they start blaming the industry for all their wrongdoings and how they were “forced” to get big tits to make more money.

Of course, while some complaints, including Karmen’s, are valid, some whine only after their pockets are full of cash. She says that her bookings went from zero to hero after a boob job.

10Nicole Aniston

I like Nicole as much as the other guys, but the more natural-looking pornstar was not that bad, either. She used to be chubbier, which gave her tits some additional presence. So, I’m not sure if Nicole was as skinny as she is now, the natural breasts would still look okay. As far as looks go, Nicole is sizzling hot, like the lava, so even if those were tumors instead of breasts, most of the population would still fuck her.

9Reena Sky

Here’s a good example of breast enlargement surgery done right. Do not go with the maximum size, but pick something that enhances your look without revealing the dirty little secret. Reena’s bazookas are perfect, and with that tan line, it’s hard to tell if she had surgery. I wish more pornstars would go with cup sizes like this.

8Riley Evans

What’s worse, medium-size breasts that are oddly shaped or perfectly round little titties? Riley managed to fix her depressive chest and now looks like a proper pornstar. Blond hair, massive tits, almost clean (surgically trimmed) pussy, and bold eyeliner. Try to find a single fault with her. There is none. She is picture-perfect.

7Sophie Dee

The most popular British pornstar with a well-known set of fake breasts. People love her look, so it’s hard for me to argue with thousands of you. However, the before and after pictures show a drastic difference, and while the natural shape could have been better, we have seen far worse photos of other pornstars. Now, we see the result. Your typical “pornstar-like” breasts, with cup size balancing between the barrier of safe and stupid.

6Kimmy Granger

The Internet went nuts over Granger’s flat chest, and her tiny love dots were special. But, succumbing to the media, she recently went under a scalpel and got some large titties. Before the reveal, Kimmy asked everyone to be supportive as if she knew that people would get upset, and that’s an understatement.

There’s a group of people (let’s call them white nights) who refuse to see the truth and insist on “everyone’s body is beautiful in its way” nonsense.

5Sunny Leone

Most people know Sunny Leone, but did you know she also had a boob job? Looking at her after the photo, you can barely tell. They look so luscious and authentic, making for another fantastic surgery that must have improved her quality of life. Also, glad to see that nipple ring getting removed; looked way too trashy and reminds us of another trashy pornstar, Julia Bond.

4Adriana Chechik

It’s easier to relate to today’s pornstars than have a collection of old-timers that only some of us will remember. The tricky part is finding their earlier photos since, nowadays, females sign-up with studios after their first boob job.

It wasn’t always like that. Not to utilize the “old man yells at a cloud” quote, but many actresses started with a small chest back in my day. Then, and only then, if they had talent, a constant flow of money meant a future boob job. Thankfully, Adriana is from the old era of sluts that kept pushing and is now as popular as Superman.

3Teagan Presley

With Teagan, it was a game with zero chances of success: almost flat chest and a massive gap between the two sisters. I don’t know which one of these two photos looks better. The size is not the only factor, but my fucking god, is that gap huge. You could easily fit another tit there without much trouble. At least she has a Barbie-like face, and that helps a lot.

2Ava Addams

A healthy portion of porn viewers doesn’t even remember Ava Addams with small tits. She has been in business for so long that I can’t blame them.

You can compare the wholesome boob job or how Ava Addams has changed over the years. Looks good to this day.

1Yesenia Bustillo

Lastly, it’s Yesenia Bustillo and her boob job results. I did want to end this list with a happy note, to show you that there are great surgeries and beautiful boobs in the world, softer than a pack of melted butter. This list was not ranked in any way, but the number one spot I have no issues giving to this pornstar.

What’s your favorite performer who has had a massive transformation?

3.4/5 - (10 votes)


    • She was the epitome of hot small tits, and I LOVE big tits. Most of this list is just bad. The one and only exception is fucking Ava Addams, those things are amazing. they look real. Dammit Kimmy, dammit.

  1. Tattoos and fake tits the perfect recipe to cheapen a woman. Most of these women were gorgeous without anything at all. And tattoos, fuck man what a way to make yourself look like trash. When was the last time you saw a Porsche or Ferrari with graffiti on it. The natural body is the most gorgeous of all. Tattoos are for girls to get attention, what they really are is a sign a girl has a problem with self esteem.


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