#01. Brazzers
#02. RealityKings
#03. Chaturbate
A lot of famous celebrities are from “these days” or this era, but I’d like to enlighten our audience about the hidden secrets that many often miss. It’s not because these women are unpopular or less talented either. Marisa is in fact, an actress with many wins and nominations.
Sometimes they come and go, but as is the case with Marisa Tomei, her performances span more than a decade, all spectacular, all incredible. Why is she not as popular as Zendaya or whatever else is trending in the 2020s? I have no idea; I am here to make Marisa Tomei even more popular, thanks to nude scenes, aka free press.
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Birthdate: July 12, 1990
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 5 feet 3 inches (1.61m)
Weight: 121 lbs. (55kg)
As the darkness reappeared, so did the prospects of Marisa Tomei’s nudes, not at least until we discovered a new library of explicit material. It should be a memorable journey for you or anyone interested in celebrities’ progress in the cinema, both in nudes and potential. So off we go covering nudes from the 90s all the way to 2010s.
By which I mean banging hot, obviously. Besides Marisa Tomei’s natural breasts that are up for your viewing pleasure, a look at one of the prettiest asses is also up for the staring grabs. By the way, as far as Tomei’s fans are concerned, a lot of them say that she got hotter and better with age, not vice versa.
Like an untamed treasure chest, I’m excited about what’s to come next as soon as we finish with one of the longer scenes with a naked Marisa Tomei. But why keep on dragging our feet with the same thing? For two reasons! First, Marisa’s limited selection of naked performances across different films, and second, we can’t get enough of her.
How much of this was intentional and acted out by Marisa Tomei, and how much as per the director’s request (as was the case with Margot Robbie)? Since we don’t live in the circle of Hollywood elites, it’s hard to imagine what these conversations are like. Do moviemakers just say to get naked, spread legs, and show pussy when required, or are these far tamer?
A hot female inspires men or entire generations, so as I look at Marisa’s naked body, my brain starts playing with all the possible names that you can use to name tits. What’s your favorite, though? I’d have to go with something as cheesy as milk canons, as the term tits are overused while canons sound powerful, like Lion, Armageddon, or Supernova.
Neither first nor the last time a celebrity had to stand on all fours to act out a doggystyle, but at this point, we’re repeating ourselves. Just so we’re clear, all the blame goes to script writers, not Marisa Tomei who’s here to be the star and follows the script. Still, how many more times will we have to look at the boring doggystyle sex position in Hollywood?
Everybody knows that hundreds of different pages exist, all of which were created to show you the naked bodies of famous people. But here’s something I’m super proud of: this scene (or pictures) are rarely shown as if everyone is copying everyone and not doing their homework like we do.
Woah, did Marisa really pierce her nipples and went crazy with a role? Thankfully, these seem to be fake nipple rings, so there’s a sense of calm in knowing that. Besides that, she’d look extra spicy with permanent nipple rings, and somehow, they “match” her body, the shape of a nipple, boobs, everything.
Before camel toes, a nip slip was all we’ve had and that’s how the press rolled too. Exposed sex tapes, leaks, wardrobe malfunctions, that was it. However, with a rise of independent journalists, the audience soon realized that there’s an entire, never seen world of celeb nudes and you all of these come as “voluntarily” nudes from a magical box called TV.
Here we go again, a cursed sex position with more imitators than there are grams of salt in the fast-food burger. Thankfully, this sex scene was pretty aggressive, something we didn’t expect from Marisa, who seems sensual, but now just as wild. It reminds me of Ana de Armas’ sex scene, that we’ve covered too.
We might as well spice things up with the titles since it’s not as innocent of a sex scene as you’d think. Of course, I don’t mean to say that this guy shoved cock into Marisa’s pussy, and it was a real deal. Instead, the way he pounded the imaginary hole was pretty telling; also, yes, there’s a video, too.
Bite your lip, lick white teeth, show everyone who’s the sexiest female of them all! That’s how I’d talk to Marisa Tomei, given my imaginary role as a producer. This picture didn’t come out of thin air, by the way. In fact, there’s an entire subreddit dedicated to women with and without clothes, and that’s what inspired me to show you Marisa Tomei in this setting.
Even if “look but can’t touch” mantra applies 99% of the time, in this instance, Marisa’s boobs have received a curious “visitor” if you will and that’s how we’ve ended up with this image. Furthermore, just so I’m transparent with you, a lot of Marisa Tomei’s nudes come from movie screencaps.
Like a touch from gods, it must’ve felt magnificent as long as you’re on the giving end. I mean, unless the hand is from someone that Marisa likes too, then you could be on a receiving end, but you already know that. Perhaps I’ve watched too much porn in my lifetime, but this looks a like pre-fuck porn plot.
Here’s an advanced or a bonus view of a naked Marisa Tomei combined with her friend on the right. I’ve captured the exact moment in which the far less experienced brunette is as exposed as sun, with natural titis, nipples, etc. Don’t ask about the scenario, as I have no clue why this was a thing.
Mature yet still as sexy (plus naked), am I right, guys? Marisa Tomei, in her 40s and 50s, looks like a mint dollar bill you’ve kept inside a book for a millennia. At the same time, the dollar bill from your friend’s house looks like a scrap piece of paper. The analogy here is that Marisa aged unbelievably well.
With the sun shining in the air and Marisa’s rear end in front of my eyes, today seems like a good day. Would you say it’s more of a pussy lips or full pussy picture? The one on the left has Marisa with legs spread, but the glorious right take seems to show more than just a pair of panties.
From further away, it’s a picture of Marisa’s round butt, which by itself is enough but then a full “spread” joins the view for one of the best collages ever. Marisa Tomei looks hot with full clothes, lingerie or naked, so we’re happy either way.
Readers hungry for sex scenes won’t even notice Marisa’s nipples as a simple gesture of kiss occupies their eyes. Lips to lips, not ass to pussy or cock to mouth, as in adult-rated films. But take your time to explore the ins and outs of this scene, and you’ll see Tomei’s natural breasts.
A smart man once said that all good things come in pairs, which means not just tits but balls and ass cheeks too. However, I’m here to supercharge this statement with a collage of Marisa’s nudes from multiple angles.
Did she master it or what? Who did it better, Emma Roberts or Marisa? Or should we throw some heavyweights too that posed nude with explicit (pussy) material aka Rosario Dawson? To help you pick a winner, I have hand selected two of the best Tomei’s lip bites.
With improved quality, lighting, and remastered pixels, this Marisa’s picture could be for books or a special folder, if you will. While one of the nipples is just partially visible, an overall stunning picture quality makes up for it.
Among all side boob angles, we very much dig this one since it shows a full frontal top, a side boob, and almost everything without a compromise. On the other hand, a side boob from the profile picture is almost always flat, as if you’re staring at a triangle, without any depth.
Where did Marisa Tomei’s bra go? Could you not ask because she’ll wear it? In this picture, Marisa is applying lipstick while willingly showing puffy nipples, including breasts. Then, for the novelty, the bottom part is also equally as sexy due to semi-transparent black lingerie. I bet it’s also as expensive as Gucci shoes.
With the risk of running out of coffee, I’m here to post the final image of Marisa Tomei naked. It’s not because she died or anything, but that’s the end. We’ve covered all her “portfolio,” and the only thing left is non-static media. Yes, guys, women, men, grandparents, we move to the bread and butter of nudes, aka GIFs.
Untamed Heart (1993 Movie)
Scene: 00:57:40
Scene: 00:57:52
The Guru (2002 Movie)
Scene: N/A
Scene: N/A
Factotum (2005 Movie)
Perhaps by 2005 standards this was a wild sex scene, but nothing reaches the intensity that came two years later. Oh, and if you’re curious about similar (hardcore) fuck videos, then I suggest heading over to Angelina Jolie’s post with a fuck fest so intense it will give you blisters.
Scene: N/A
Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead (2007 Movie)
Not her leaked sex tape but a video of Marisa’s character, if you will. Also, as I like to say, even if penetration is fake, the movements are identical no matter what. Therefore, it’s easy to imagine a wild Marisa enjoying an intimate moment the way she enjoys here.
Scene: N/A
Hit that speaker icon to enable sound, then close your eyes and listen to the nasty side of Marisa Tomei’s (characters) sex life. Not to judge a book by its cover, but do you think this dude would be capable of fucking someone as hardcore?
Scene: N/A
Don’t waste your time or anything but the best sex scenes, and this is evident here. Look at with what kind of force her “pussy” is being ravished here. Marisa’s character is enjoying the pounding too and man, I bet all you guys out there dream of fucking someone as hard (without cumming) as shown in this video.
Scene: N/A
So, there’s a familiar Marisa’s scene on the left, which comes from the Untamed Heart movie released in 1993. On the opposite end, however, is a far more seductive version of Marisa. Is this experience in acting talking or a mere coincidence? Both characters are as innocent as the girl next door, but I’d pick a more mature version any day of the week.
Scene: N/A
When pictures don’t do all the justice, use video! That’s why Marisa Tomei is in front of the camera, doing her own thing while innocently spreading the eagle. What is intentional and what is not is up for interpretation.
Scene: 00:12:17
A full rack is here for you to explore, including my favorite part where Marisa bites lips and then edges closer to a character in such a way that you feel like a puppy. Even if your default relationship template is for a male to be dominant one, I can assure you that Marisa Tomei’s character here is full alpha.
Scene: 00:14:41
The Wrestler (2008 Movie)
Marisa Tomei was around 43 years old, which puts her in the hot MILF age territory. According to an interview, she had to do a few shots for the first stripping scene, which makes it even more exciting. Also, the audience loved her, and Marisa said it was a freeing experience afterward.
Scene: N/A
How did Marisa prepare for the following performance? She practiced hula hoops, changed her diet, ate less white bread, and basically did everything the fitness coaches tell you to do. The results are obvious.
Scene: N/A
If this isn’t the greatest celebrity body reveal of all time, then I dare you to prove me wrong. The tanned body, nipple rings, fluid movements, what a fucking scene this is.
Scene: 00:20:20
Loitering with Intent (2014 Movie)
Perhaps in not so discriminate feature, you’ll be able to control the camera because there’s more to see than just tits here. But the biggest shocker is how Marisa Tomei closed her eyes out of respect, just so not to look at blonde’s pussy.
Scene: N/A