The Fappening Blog (2025 and 2024)

Top 50: Laura Prepon Nude Pussy & Sexy Tits Pictures (2025)


#01. Brazzers
#02. RealityKings
#03. Chaturbate

Born in the early 80s, Laura Prepon is one of the most beautiful actresses who has changed dramatically in less than ten years. She started as a shy blond and has since transformed into a sexy, confident brunette. These aren’t just our words, though, since a few magazines recognized Laura as one of the sexiest women in the world. Gamers will also recognize Laura’s voice since she did voiceovers for Halo 2.

We don’t care about games, at least not in that sense. It’s all about nudes here, from pornstars to celebrity leaks and whatever else gets your sexual appetite going. To celebrate her recent birthday, we’ve stiffed through piles of junk and come up with the most outstanding Laura Prepon nude pictures. Oh, and there are plenty of sexy GIFs showing sex scenes, too!

Boobs Out with the Ladies

People who grew up in the countryside, including me, will never understand this. Tanning on the rooftop where the fragrance of a beach comes in a flavor of car fumes mixed with smelly rubber sounds troublesome. Good thing there are nudes of Laura, including natural titties, to compensate for the lack of mother nature. Who needs nature when you have nurture?

A Blessing in Disguise

Summer is the best season for taking hot pictures, and this scene was particularly blessed. From what I can tell, the tiny houses behind Laura are in the Maldives or Santorini, Greece. The exotic background combined with the sea scenery made her body stand out. If we knew where Laura placed her feet, I’d lick all the grains in the sand.

Laura’s Uncensored Nipples

It isn’t the best screencap yet, and you’re guaranteed to see an even closer photo featuring Laura’s nipples. For now, let’s take it all in! A stunning shot of three beautiful ladies with different hair colors, two naked from the top. The redhead might have the biggest tits, but we’d still choose Laura Prepon.

Laura Prepon’s Upcoming Pussy Photo

I don’t know how they can justify porn scenes in a movie. The video featured Laura Prepon’s pussy and another one in which a girlfriend ate it. Let me repeat: there was an oral sex scene in a “mainstream” movie. Add the Brazzers or some cam site logo on the right side, and people would have no problems believing this scene is straight-up porn.

Naked in a Shower

The classic shower scene leads to many fantasies in our teen years, from enhanced close-ups to hot babes showering together. That’s how porn movies start! Be it the “accidental” nipple touch or a walk-in. Laura Prepon looks gorgeous naked; there’s no need for other words.

Wearing a Sexy Transparent Dress

Why don’t we return from the realms of possible softcore pornography to being classy again? Laura’s default look leaves out plenty of details for imagination when she’s not filming naked scenes. So you have well-hidden round boobs and tiny fragments of bare skin. As you bypass the crotch area, the beautifully shaped thighs greet your cock.

Closeup Face Shot

The close-up face pictures are among the worst for older celebrities like Pamela Anderson or Aubrey Plaza. However, most of us would still get a boner or two, and I mean that in the context of other pictures. It all comes down to makeup and how well one can hide their wrinkle. However, Laura Prepon looks as sexy as she was in her early 20s, many decades later.

Laura’s Magnificent Figure

Seeing this picture makes me want to take off all my clothes, grab someone’s cock and sing, “These boots are made for walking.” Forget the black leather; that thing is as ancient as vintage porn. The longer, the better, is still a thing, and when you have Laura in beige suede shoes, it’s hard to come up with something sexier.

The Sexiest Leopard Pattern

Who else got their mind blown by this photo? When guys take pictures, they mostly look the same. We don’t change haircuts, clothes, or facial hair styling. For women, it’s an entirely different story. Laura Prepon can look as innocent as a nun in one photo and then transform into a slutty babe a few moments later.

Exposing the Nipples

When the creepy Hollywood producers weren’t obsessed with filming porn, we all had “nude” shots like this one. It’s not much, but it was a big deal in the 90s and 2000s. Remember, back then, you only had a single-sex tape from Pamela Anderson. Great tits!

Laura Naked in Bed

In 2018, I read a study revealing that women become less happy as they age. Men, on the other hand, experience the most happiness in the late stage of life. So why do I bring that up? For example, Laura doesn’t look that happy, while the pictures from the 2020s have a vastly different vibe about her.

Laura Prepon’s Pussy and Oral Sex Scene

Laura enjoys female company. Just like recently exposed Cara Delevingne, both celebrities can be seen naked in front of someone else who is not a male. Heck, they don’t mind getting spanked or kissed too. That’s not bad, especially if you’re into cuckold porn. In this case, that would be two lesbians and yourself.

Fully Naked and Enjoying It

With raging dick inside his shorts, the male “pornstar” was somehow picked for the movie where he got to fuck Laura Prepon. Although, the more accurate description would be something along the lines of a sex scene. Anyhow, how creepy is this screencap? He desperately tries to touch her nipples.

A Glamour Ass Shot

There are no panties, bras, or objections from her fans. There’s a sandcastle near Laura’s left elbow, and you don’t need to have a dirty mind to understand what I’m trying to imply here. Everyone has seen Laura’s tits or pussy, but the petite butt has never appeared, at least until we got our hands on this picture!

Laura with Legs Spread

I wish my girlfriend (or mom) loved me as much as fans love Laura, and it’s not just nude shots seeking pussy either, but something in between too. Case in point: my mind goes blank when I see her in black lingerie, slightly spreading legs.

The Hot Giner Blond Look

Someone messed up Prepon’s face a bit too much during the last phase of image editing. There’s a weird glow where she looks almost dead-like. Other than that, the creamy skin and popping tits do their job as they should.

Laura Turns Sexy with Wet Hair

Was the photo above too “safe for work”? What if we zoom in and get closer to Laura’s tits? Like with the world’s most extraordinary pillows, her soft boobs occupy our minds and make us think of nothing but a sweet nap… There’s no need to say it; by that, I mean the location of our head.

The Wonders of a Pushup Bra

Posing with dilated eye pupils on a blue background, Laura Prepon made some preparations, and these turned out great. The pushup bra highlighted the best bits, while curly hair made her look like a mermaid. Also, Jesus Christ! Her legs are the sexiest thing on the planet. So thin yet muscular!

Prepon’s Famous White Lingerie

Taken further away, we have a screencap showing Laura in white (or light pink) lingerie. Don’t be disappointed with style; it was once sexy, but that happened many moons ago. Yes, you could only convince your grandma to wear something like this in the age of Internet porn.

Just Fuck Her Pussy from Behind Hard

Is Laura Prepon a free spirit, or does she enjoy having sex in front of other people? I don’t think there has ever been a celebrity on RedBled that has had so many GIFs or photos from sex scenes.

Taking Off Her Clothes

She might not have undressed fully for this photoshoot, but the implication alone is enough. With black hair on the side, Laura reminds us of Alison Brie’s sensual sessions as well as nude photos. Even the shape of the lips is the same.

Laura Goes for a Lesbian Kiss

Here’s an inspirational photo for aspiring actresses. When the producer asks to go for a kiss, you commit to it! Eyes closed and with as many skin touch moments as possible. Even the love handles, or to be more specific, the fat bits on Laura’s sides are occupied, and that’s why horny critics universally loved this scene.

A Compilation of Laura’s Sex Scenes

When I was younger, seeing someone kiss in a film made me question my reality. Did these celebrities kiss, or was it a camera trick? The first generation of actors wasn’t keen on this and touched their lips. Then, it progressed into real kisses, and as you can see above, sex scenes are now as common as saying hi.

Half-Naked and Waiting for Me

I choose to get my nudes without the involvement of other people, at least not men. While sex videos (if they exist) that feature Laura Prepon could be unique, they don’t hold the handle against casual or sexy solo pictures.

A Softcore Beach Photo

Soaking wet while covered in sand, Laura Prepon looks as cute as ever. You have a thin thong that holds her pussy lips together while a beach bikini barely struggles at this point. Her boobs are too large.

Laura Prepon’s Pussy in Lingerie

The final (or maybe not) pussy reveals show the most intimate moments of Laura Prepon and her future boyfriend. She has danced, performed acts of seduction, and acted out penetration in the next movie. Hopefully, they even practiced privately beforehand.

Nourishing Laura’s Soft Lips

Can you tell which of the two naked celebrities enjoys this scene more? If not, I’m not going to spoil the surprise just yet! Let’s proceed with another picture.

Rubbing Laura’s Nipples

Before the fun GIFs begin, here’s a top picture worthy of a mention. The dude reminds us of the pornstar James Deen, a decent-looking actor who must’ve broken hundreds of hearts. Sadly, it looks like Laura was not particularly fond at that moment.

The Sexy Goddess of the USA

The biggest surprise for me was Laura Prepon’s legs. The boobs and the rest were nice, but everyone already knew that. Legs, on the other hand, are in a whole new epic league.

From Nude to Clothed

Let’s pull statistics out of my ass and claim that men often choose blondes over brunettes. In that case, we’d be in the territory of an exception because there’s nothing sexier than a brunette or two. Hopefully, one day we’ll see Laura Prepon and our other favorite celebrity, Linda Cardellini, have “sex” in a random Hollywood movie.

How Sexy is this Background?

There have been countless pictures of sexy Laura Prepon with the same background, but we just had to include this one. She’s a delicate flower with a venom that can make guys’ hearts stop. Take notice of Laura’s marvelous manicure and tiny toes.

Laura Prepon Goes Half Nude

In the last decade, Laura Prepon has become more comfortable with nudity and posing for such photos. On the one hand, it’s one of the best things that could’ve happened to her fans. But on the other hand, we’ll never be able to see Laura’s fully naked body in her 20s, back when there were no wrinkles, saggy skin, or fat on a belly.

Lying on a Beach in a Sexy Bikini

Do you want to get sand inside your pussy? Because that’s how you get it. In all seriousness, Laura Prepon feels at home here; her default look is “divine hot.”

The Gorgeous Brunette Actress

We feel like there are too many nudes of Laura at this point. Therefore, I must bring some balance with a non-erotic (but just a sexy) photo. Just so your dick or clitoris doesn’t get overstimulated.

A See-Through Lingerie Exposes Her Privates

Before social media whores took over the Internet with millions of trashy selfies, truly sexy women used to have dignity and pose like this. So watch and learn, folks.

Laura Prepon’s Lesbian Sex Scene

Even if Laura Prepon didn’t lick the pussy, which was part of the act, her face was an inch away from someone’s crotch. There was a fragrance for sure! Maybe even the snail trails of an exciting hole, if nothing else.

Laura Prepon’s Full Tits Photo

The big guns of Laura Prepon, without a single shadow, piece of clothing, or pixelated nonsense. The purest, untouched tits and nipples in direct sunlight. The curly ginger on the left is also naked, although those nipples don’t look as excited. So which of the two actresses is more likely to have a wet pussy? Take a guess!

Looking Juicy to this Day

You don’t have to imagine anymore because Laura is as hot as she was some years ago! After another scene of her licking the champagne foam, the mind is filled with questions and vivid images about how Laura sucks a lollipop and strokes it until the explosion of cum. Thanks, Hollywood.

Talking About Sex and Tits

Laura got most of the pie, fame, or money among cast female celebrities. The hot blond on the left is who I’d fuck first if we talk specifics.

Gorgeous Laura’s Boobs

Laura’s nudes might be the ultimate cherry on top, but these GIFs are just as exciting. The implication of soft Laura’s boobs as slushy as my cum is amazing.

Laura Tries Stripping

With legs spread apart, tight bikinis, and a short skirt, this GIF reminds us that Laura Prepon is too a human. Albeit a sexy one, but still a human. Someone with emotions, cravings, desires, and a need for vaginal stimulation.

Prepon’s Hot Dace with a Slip

The movie director couldn’t figure out a different scenario, and the “revealing bra” part was essential. It’s not creepy because she got paid to bend over and show her boobs, right?

Caught Looking at Laura’s Tits

It’s funny because a little booger looked at her tits! Such behavior wouldn’t fly in the era of angry feminists and hypersensitive people. People who grew up in the 80s will see this as a fun little scene, while the rest will get offended.

A Quick Boob Flash

Yes, these were the early days. Warming up to the idea of undressing in front of a camera, Laura Prepon got naked for everyone but the people watching the TV. Let’s be honest; nothing is covering her nipples. Everyone, from producers to makeup artists, could’ve had a chance to see Laura undress for the very first time.

Uncensored Laura Prepon’s Tits

Universally beautiful, a now slightly more mature Laura Prepon didn’t blink once. There’s no shame in her eyes, and why would she even feel these emotions? The tits are firm, round, and on a larger scale. If anything, she should be proud of exposing them to the masses.

Having a Sex Talk

Instead of ranking Laura Prepon’s GIFs from blandest to sexiest, I’ve rewarded those who pay attention. Masturbators scrolling to the bottom will get their nudes, but there are dozens of great videos showing Laura in all positions. Here’s a sex scene prequel with some tight lesbian ass spanking.

Three Hot MILFs Naked

Wait before you disregard this as a duplicate. I cannot think of a better description, as cheesy as it sounds. If you want to immerse yourself in the scene, watch it with the audio. The audio track is the best part since the other two MILFs try to convince a chick on the left to get naked!

Laura Prepon’s Lesbian Video

The pictures you’ve seen already don’t even come close to the real thing. Seeing two hot Hollywood babes kiss each other with a smile is mind-boggling. They are either legitimate actresses or have feelings for one another. Well, it could be both, too. In terms of the hundreds of GIFs we’ve seen on The Fappening blog, this masterpiece takes the cake.

Naked and Having Sex

Before the infusion of “artistic” hardcore porn videos featuring famous Hollywood actresses and actors, this GIF spread like a wild wife on the Internet. But, no matter how many times you watch it on a loop, Laura Prepon’s nipples and pussy will remain visible. She is naked, and that’s a fact.

Laura Prepon’s Oral Sex Video

Here’s a second part. How can you tell the difference between real and fake orgasms? Other than the obvious, where you don’t get the muscle spasms, the nipples are always erect. So, in other words, Laura’s pussy did get licked beneath the sheets, and this sex scene could be real.

Sam Kingwin

Sam has been working in the adult business since 1997, starting from the bottom of the barrel as the director's assistant, thinking of transitioning to male performer only to resume behind the scenes work, which was the most rewarding creativity wise. As of the 2010s, Sam has been covering top pornstars and best porn sites. Everything I ever say is either a fiction or a joke. Anyway, sharing is caring and there is nothing like helping guys discover hidden talents or porn networks that deserve their attention.

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