Top 40: Keri Russell Nude Pussy & Tits Pictures (2025)


#01. Brazzers
#02. RealityKings
#03. Chaturbate

Even if Keri Russell’s career has been slow over the last few years, her talent is there to be celebrated. It sure as hell helps to have a couple of nude scenes, which is why we’re advocating for more of her roles, but the performances are more than just skin deep.

Like many of Keri Russell’s fans, we, too, wondered what the next few years would bring to the table. So far, she seems to be busy with her own production of the Wyrd series, but who knows if it will hit the markets soon. For now, I present you the scandalous, the sexiest, and all the rest of the naked pictures, as well as videos of Keri Russell.

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Top 10 Keri Russell Facts

  1. Appeared as “other woman” in Bon Jovi’s 1994 video
  2. Has a “Felicity haircut,” which became its own thing
  3. Decided to cut the famous curly locks back in 1999
  4. Lost a role to Kate Bosworth in Superman Returns
  5. Listed at “50 Most Beautiful People in the World”
  6. Her breakthrough role was in the Felicity series
  7. A spokesman of Cover cosmetics brand
  8. Supports and advocates animal rights
  9. Is a winner of multiple awards
  10. Supports humanitarian work
  11. Also appeared in Broadway

Keri Russell Biography

Birthdate: March 23, 1976
Location: Fountain Valley, California, USA
Zodiac: Aries

Height: 5 feet 4 inches (1.63m)
Weight: 115 lbs. (52kg)

Official Profiles

Instagram (N/A)

Latest & Upcoming Movies with Keri Russell


Keri Russell Nudes (Pictures)

Red Nipples

Sufficient progress is how you’d describe Keri Russell’s nudes for the last two decades. She started with a “banger,” meaning all the dads or horny students had some material from the get-go, but then came silence. The last few years, thankfully, brought us butt (not butt sex) scenes, as you’ll see below.

Let’s Eat Some Ass

Risking revealing her rear pussy to the world or at least the editor who has since “darkened it” until nothing but shadows were seen, Keri Russell remains a hot commodity. Somehow, she managed to do just enough nudity to keep everyone engaged.

Ass on the Side

There was Julia Victoria’s butthole slip, which too was an accident, and we were the only ones to catch it. Here, as much and as hard as we tried, there’s nothing but emptiness. So, drop your expectations to what is visible to the naked eye and appreciate the rear end of Keri.

Keri’s Rear Pussy

Here’s your best look at Keri Russell’s pussy, even if there’s just a trimmed bit of it. Now that I think of it, no matter which celebrity, all the pussy lips are trimmed. This begs a question whether movie editors change the final product so there’s no “hardcore” material, or all celebs who dare to get naked have no flaps.

A Firm and Round Ass

If you haven’t caught up to the act yet, then let me just lay all the cards flat in front of you. Keri Russell has never shown her tits, at least not intentionally on film, and all her nudes consist of either see-through nipples or butts. She has the largest naked ass-to-pictures ratio of any recent celeb.

A Pussy Front in Cover

Is there a bush hiding behind Keri Russell’s panties? Let me know! Yes, unfortunately, this is the lowest possible angle of her panties. Don’t even bother rewatching this scene in hopes of catching something better.

Bending in Front of You

This picture gives us a pretty good look at Keri Russell’s tits because they’re hanging freely. Furthermore, there’s an interesting wrinkle in the panties area, which I’ll leave for you to speculate about. Is this a pussy gap, a camel toe, or just a poor piece of clothing?

Exposed Keri Russell’s Tits

I pride myself in finding the dirtiest celebrity pics, exposing previously not seen nudes in the cinema, you name it. What surprised me, and this could be someone’s imagination or a wrong perspective, is that not a single person pictured Keri Russell’s tits, at least not until now! If you look near the bed frame, it’s either an optical illusion or a fully visible nipple and a boob!

Upskirt and Underwear

We feel nasty just looking at this, as if our minds have been obsessed by an old, creepy Japanese dude who goes around the metro stations, trying to get a peek at women’s underwear. Well, that’s the scene with Keri Russell!

Nipples and Titties

Rev up your engines, guys; the jizz fest is about to begin with the sight of Keri Russell’s boobs that, in the near future, AI will enhance in a way where you can’t tell them from a fake thing. The shape is there, all the nipple features, and everything is as visible as the topping on your Friday’s pizza.

Keri Russell’s Sideboob

To think that these nude scenes happened two decades ago with nothing else for another two makes me sad like wasting half of your life for nothing but alcohol or drugs. At least Keri Russell is back!

Enlarging Perfection

If we boost zoom levels tenfold, all without sacrificing the quality, you get an even better look at Keri Russell’s boobs. Since we cover pornstars with small, large, fake, real, all kinds of tits, let me just say that men love all of them too! Therefore, there’s no need to hide them behind a blouse or something.

Keri’s Epic Sex Scene

Yep, the second she partially came off, there was a butt jiggle, which you’ll also get to see; I got closer to my screen. These butt cheeks were fighting for their life there, not to reveal anything but the necessary nudes.

Intense Ass Nudes

Brightening pictures like Keri Russell’s nudes brighten your day; we’ve a scene as hot as The Big Bang. Also, this couple is too banging there. Sometimes these celebs fuck in real life on camera for “artistic reasons”, but this is not one of such cases.

Closer to Rear Pussy

This and the next picture provide the best look at Keri Russell’s pussy from behind. It might not be much area to work with, but we’re trying! All pixels aside, I can almost see the shape, the lips, labia, everything.

More Rear Pleasures

Either it’s a toned-down pussy or a real deal. Smoother than the shaved surface of my balls, with the same pretty pink color, butt curves on both sides, the gap… This picture could very well be the best of Keri Russell’s.

The Original Naked Scene

A tiny color correction aside, that’s how the audience saw Keri Russell’s naked body in the cinema. They couldn’t pause or ask someone else to unless they’re working there, so you could call this picture a “legacy nude.”

Fully Naked and Looking at You

A look to end it all is the final image I’d love to see in real life before humanity vanishes and the Earth shatters into a billion small pieces. No one wants to die, but if you must… That’s a fine lasting image!

Undressing Keri Russell

Some backstory is a must because the next picture will otherwise confuse you. In this take, Keri Russell was as naked as a mole, then stood up and dressed up, preparing to leave the room. The bare back, ass, all that is fine, but let’s check what’s next!

A Partially Visible Boob

Now that we have some context, I want you to take a look at the right side of Keri Russell’s boobs. Is it a nipple or an armpit? With the way these angles are set up, it could be either way, but if you want a challenge… Yes, you’re free to masturbate to someone’s armpits while imagining tits.

Closing on Nudes

There’s just no way that, with hundreds of takes, Keri Russell’s pussy didn’t leak just once. There must be a trick to it. Either she manually edits or approves her rear release to make sure there’s nothing to see in the pussy area, or Keri Russell wears a black cover of some kind.

Ass and Other Cool Nudes

What does the gap between Keri Russell’s butt hide? A pussy. I think it’s the only case where an enhanced picture that is also taken much closer to a naked celebrity reveals less than far-away takes.

A See-Through Bikini

The fashion was a bit different back in the day because these bikinis were so much more common. Even on a film set, 90% of women would wear shits without a bra, which is how you got to see thousands of nipples. Nowadays, it’s all about “keeping it cool”, rocking saggy clothes that eliminate all curves, other nonsense.

Adorable Nipples

The final image has been posted, and you’re laying your eyes on it. Like sunglasses or a pair of eyes, Keir’s nipples look distinctive. Now, we transition to the hottest nudes from movies in a video format.

Keri Russell Nudes (Movies & TV Shows)

Movie Name:

Eight Days a Week (1997 Movie)

Silly Fun in Water

Porn scenes might have oil, but Keri Russell has all the consequences of water effects and wet hair. There’s a reason why the thumbnail of our cutest pornstars article is all about wet stuff. Also, a scientific explanation should explain for why men find women with wet hair or eyes sexier. What surprised me, however, was how Keri never went beyond all the other, far more prominent yet less talented or not as pretty actresses.

Scene: N/A

Go for Nipples

There’s no shame in having small boobs; it’s not the end of the world. Sadly, somehow, I feel as if Keri Russell never wanted to show them, even all these years later. It’s sort of ridiculous, no disrespect intended, that a celebrity is okay with showing her butt, create a speculation for a visible rear pussy, go for nipples, but a full boob view was never an option.

Scene: N/A

Closing on Keri’s Nipples

Yes, even in the 90s the make-up was top-notch, and it never created the ugly crying look. No matter how wet, Keri Russell remains spotless, if you know what I mean. And yes, the very first time I’ve seen Keri’s nipples was back in the 90s with the release of this movie. Even to this day, her facial features are some of the cutest I’ve ever seen. And for sure, the zoomed in nipple scene had to be on a film too.

Scene: N/A

Chilling in Bikini

When you run out of naked scenes, use a “cheat code” and get all the bikini clips. Still, in a typical Keri Russell fashion, there’s more to this video than just an article of clothing. Instead, we see poking nipples, which is enough to drive us bonkers. Also, a subtle look at her panties! Sadly, the other nudes didn’t hit the mainstream until many years later, making this the last half-naked scene in the ’90s.

Scene: N/A

Undressing to Fuck You

Fifty years from now on, I might not remember my name, my family, or anything, but this scene will haunt my sexual fantasies for life. It has left a vivid impression, and there’s no way to erase it, even if, somehow, I end up with brain damage or something. Yep, the 90s was the golden decade of not only porn, but also celebrity crushes.

Scene: N/A

Keri Russell’s Upskirt and Underwear

As puzzling as Japanese porn movies, this upskirt video doesn’t even look real. I’ve asked around, and yep, they remember it. Perhaps the underwear itself wasn’t shown in this closeup, but it surprised us that Keri Russell agreed to do this scene. Not because she is as stiff as a rock, nope. I wasn’t expecting that from a celeb who shows nothing but poking nipples.

Scene: N/A

Movie Name:

The Americans (2013 – 2018 TV Series)

Keri Russell’s Ass

The first few episodes are vital to any TV shows’ success hence the strong nudity debut of Keri Russell’s ass. Hey, there’s no shame in any of that because that’s exactly how I ended up watching Euphoria with Sydney Sweeney and The American Horror story with Emma Roberts. It wasn’t the plot, just the hype of explicating pussy, ass, boob scenes.

Scene: The Americans S01E01

Enhance, Improve, Masturbate!

Spoiler alert, there’ll be a guy’s butt too, so either close your eyes or get that pussy ready for an extreme rub off competition. What has since become Keri Russell’s trademark, there’s no boob view. It’s harder to find a scene with her tits than any other naked parts. Now, if only that camera angle, when zoomed-in was an inch lower…

Scene: The Americans S01E01

Keri Russell’s Sex Scene

The second episode was just as strong and has shown how Keri Russell’s character fucks when the cameras roll. I very much respect this sex scene, but no sane person fucks with their boobs covered. Isn’t it funny how a woman as pretty as Keri Russell has insecurities? That’s just a guess, by the way, don’t quote me on that.

Scene: The Americans S01E02

A Rear Pussy and Ass

You can bet your ass that we’ll be showing all Keri Russell’s nudes from the series, including any future ones, since the show keeps on going. Among the strongest naked scenes yet, we’ve seen a glimpse at Keri’s ass, which isn’t even hiding behind shadows or anything, not to mention a strong possibility of a “pussy slip” from the rear.

Scene: The Americans S02E06

Undressing a Tiny Butt

Cropped for maximum pleasure, I present you with the naked celebrity of your dreams, Keri Russell. What the hell? How can I get involved with this whole “filming” thing so I, too, can stare at pussies, asses, tits, and whatever else is in the plot?

I’m super envious because Keri’s rear pussy is right in front of the male actor! I bet he could see it too.

Scene: The Americans S05E03

All Clothes Removed

And here’s how “bored” he was while Keri Russell undressed, at least not until he saw an opportunity to look down and cherish the best moment of his entire life. My favorite pornstars or women are with tiny butts, which means that Keri is a perfect wife, girlfriend, or one-night stand material.

Scene: The Americans S03E03

Squeezing Butt Muscles

Move an inch closer, and it’s pretty much “porn” at this point, or at least sensual erotica. I’d crawl on my fours for hours on a broken glass just for a chance to drink the ass water that touched Keri Russell’s body. That’s how hot and seductive she is!

Scene: The Americans S05E02

Hunting a Pussy View

Like hunters in the woods, we, too, sit behind our screens, looking for the best opportunities to capture all the celebrity nudes. No one expected to see Keri’s ass that up-close, but here she is… And thanks to a tiny butt squeeze, the mysterious pussy lips popped out like a gusher candy, fruity and sweet.

Scene: The Americans S05E02

Movie Name:

The Diplomat (2023 TV Series)

A Glorious Dick Ride

It’s not over for Keri Russell, and just a few years ago, her best-naked scene likely came out from the first season of The Diplomat. Her butt got so much rounder, and I bet it looks even better as “real people” fuck her, and I imply all her previous partners, boyfriends, a husband, anything. Someone is a lucky son of a bitch.

Scene: The Diplomat S01E04

Explicit Sex Scene

I wouldn’t be comfortable with Keri Russell acting in these roles because my self-worth is below zero. So, kudos to her partner for being a tough boss while we, the fans, just look at her nudes and jerk off to the side views of a round butt and ass jiggling.

Scene: The Diplomat S01E04

Sam Kingwin

Sam has been working in the adult business since 1997, starting from the bottom of the barrel as the director's assistant, thinking of transitioning to male performer only to resume behind the scenes work, which was the most rewarding creativity wise. As of the 2010s, Sam has been covering top pornstars and best porn sites. Everything I ever say is either a fiction or a joke. Anyway, sharing is caring and there is nothing like helping guys discover hidden talents or porn networks that deserve their attention.