#01. Brazzers
#02. RealityKings
#03. Chaturbate
Meet your 2010s crush, Jaime Pressly, a blond model with so much charisma that you could divide it among ten different people and still have some left. Despite beyond insane similarities to Margot Robbie, they are not the same person! And what better way to prove it than with some nude pictures? Well, let’s add videos to the mix, too, and explore the brilliant world of Jaime.
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Birthdate: July 30, 1977
Location: Kinston, North Carolina, USA
Zodiac: Leo
Height: 5 feet 4 inches (1.65m)
Weight: 119 lbs. (54kg)
With an American flag, Jaime Pressly awoken our fantasies and, sometimes, giant anacondas (or tiny worms) hiding in our trousers. Even if the best nudity you could extract from this picture is in the form of a semi-transparent nipple, it’s enough for now.
Just like evolution, the natural progression of nudes often comes from bikini clips, wet t-shirts, visible nipples, and sex scenes. But unlike Jennifer Aniston’s nude pictures that always show poking nipples, Jaime’s areola or nip exposure is far less frequent.
I’m busy with side pussy or if you want it to rhyme, then say pussy as in piss. My favorite thing about exploring celeb nudes comes down to the last frames of any scene. They always balance a thin line between showing too much and too little, hence why here you see Jaime’s side pussy.
Always satisfy your woman before you satisfy yourself, even if it’s a fake scenario or acting. Hey, you already get to look at tits and pussy, so the game is almost won! But do you think Jaime Pressly was fully naked here or had a strip between her legs?
Act, but don’t touch, jerkoff but don’t tell anyone, jizz, but don’t leave any evidence… Those who can redraw Jaime Pressly from their memory, woken up in the middle of the night, should let the community know if it’s a double or that’s Jaime Pressly’s pussy being subtly touched.
In porn, it’s cum, and in Hollywood, you have to go fancy! Jaime Pressly made her tits extra shiny with a bottle of quality drink. I wish champaign was as cold as ice for that extra emotion (or erect nipples), but perhaps bubbles were enough to make it a somewhat satisfactory experience.
It sucks that many genuine pussy shots have been lost to time and for all the wrong reasons. For instance, this is a genuine picture of Jaime Pressly’s ass and somewhat visible rear pussy, but due to quality at the time, you can’t make up many details. Now, picture this movie shot in 4K and re-released in the 2020s!
Can you name at least three celebrities with the best tits? From the top of my head and as a no brainer, we’re adding Jaime Pressly’s epic naturals, followed by Sydney Sweeney, then Angelina Jolie, just for novelty factor. Now, what would an adult rated movie with these three celebs look like?
Two different angles of the very same stunning celebrity. Nudes on the right and teases as well as a side boob on the left. The only difference is that Jaime Pressly’s gaze is piercing you. Do you risk looking at her ass or pretend that eye contact is all you care about?
It’s an interesting naked scene with Jaime Pressly, starring happily into the ceiling. But how did she end up naked in the first place? Well, Jaime had to undress, duh! And Since I love to show things backwards, here’s a kicker: it’s the least nude of all nude pictures from this video!
While tits and nipples were closer in the first photo, this image exposes Jaime Pressly’s boobs and tits from the side! But, and there’s a giant (butt), the sweetest frame of them all is waiting for you and it’s an inch or one scroll away!
Name it however you want, Jaime Pressly is fully naked and is facing the wall. No, what you make out of this collage is up to you, but I do see a pussy shape, her ass, and all that comes with it, even a hot gap between the thighs that has been an obsession of many women years ago.
Name a wet woman that isn’t happy and yes, it’s a play of words. With waterfalls oozing out of her tits, or so it seems from this perspective, Jaime Pressly rocks a super thin thong (or a bikini) and that’s it, there’s no top. Gone, removed, not found, you name it.
Now that there’s less water surface and just wetness surrounding Jaime Pressly’s naked body, the view is that of an oiled pornstar. I’ve said many times that pornstars with oily asses or tits are my go-tos, and this view isn’t helping my fantasies if you know what I mean.
Jaime’s top frontal is up for your viewing pleasure, while the facial expressions make it seem as if it’s a porn movie. For sure, that’s no fault of Jaime, and all these funky fantasies come from our infected minds. Whatever the case is with you, there’s no way to go around her stunning tits.
Despite jumping up and down, there was no wardrobe malfunction. However, does it even matter when there are around forty different naked pictures as well as videos? Not at all. Just appreciate the toned body without nudes.
When you can’t do a fully naked scene or don’t want to yet, a cool trick from a PR standpoint is to get two hot female celebs and make them kiss. I’m sure male-to-male kiss would work too, but it could get hate from some older generations. Therefore, lesbian kisses dominate the movie industry.
No, this is not a computer-generated video, even though it looks that way. Jaime has skin so smooth and perfect that it looks fake. It’s like when we’ve seen Cortney Palm’s naked body with the “VHS” effect, except here it’s clearer than a freshly cleaned window. What a marvelous, stunning individual!
What would happen if I had to switch places with the male protagonist? Plenty of failed takes because my eyes wouldn’t look anywhere but downwards. The only possible solution would be for me to wear dark sunglasses. There’s no other way because Jaime Pressly’s pussy is right in front of you.
Like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Jaime Pressly’s boobs are surrounded by legends. It’s still debatable whether these gardens even existed but if you want to stare at something just as pretty, this collage exposes Jaime Pressly’s tits and nipples through shirt.
We should endorse celebrities to do more bare ass photoshoots or scenes in films because while they’re not that revealing from the genital’s standpoint, the intimacy factor is up there, especially when a fully naked Jaime Pressly is being called into action.
The Journey: Absolution (1997 Movie)
Usually, I can’t sit through an entire movie because my anxiety takes over. Call it a restless syndrome or something else, but it doesn’t matter. Well, having learned that Jaime Pressly was naked from top to bottom in the middle of a movie, I’ve managed to sit through five minutes and then, of course, fast-forwarded
Scene: 00:47:30
Soften than a marshmallow, prettier than the secrets of the universe, Jaime Pressly’s body is here for the books, my friends. Some famous artists should save all the celeb nudes and display them in the showrooms for future generations.
Scene: 00:47:43
Poison Ivy: The New Seduction (1997 Movie)
It’s pointless to name my favorite naked scene from Poison Ivy because the entire film is just a showing of Jaime Pressly’s naked body. Was there even a plot? And does it matter? Of course, not because what matters is in front of you.
Scene: N/A
Here, we combine a few robe drop scenes and then show you what’s up with Jaime Pressly taking a bath. And not just taking a bath as in sitting, doing nothing. Nope, she’s actively rubbing (washing) her tits with soap!
Scene: N/A
If you’ve read our trivia, then it will be common knowledge. Yes, Jaime Pressly appeared in the famous 80s drama Baywatch. While this boob reveal is from something else, I would love to be rescued by a lifeguard that looks like Jaime.
Scene: N/A
Nope, if you thought that Lana Rhoades’s, one of the top-rated pornstars ass was huge, then I have a totally new specimen for you, and that’s a round, thick, epic, hot, butter belting ass of Jaime Pressly. Damn, my dudes, there’s no other way to express my emotions.
Scene: N/A
Forwards, backward, no matter the viewing sequence, it’s always a pleasure. Also, looking at Jaime’s ass triggers something lighting in my brain because I just want to look at porn and do my thing.
Scene: N/A
Is there a word to describe a feeling of being overwhelmed by too much of a good thing? If so, the entire article needs to be readjusted because there’s far too much pressure build-up in the downward regions of my body.
Scene: N/A
Like spider yes, you know that the cameras captured more than just an inch of Jaime’s bare bottom. It was all cropped, adjusted, and tweaked to her liking. But if you rewatch it a few times, then a rear pussy as she climbs down the “ladder” is fairly evident.
Scene: N/A
It just keeps on going; no matter the angle, how long the scene is, or what happens next, Jaime Pressly’s nudes keep on dropping. Old folks speak about the golden age of porn, but this was the golden age of Jaime’s naked performances.
Scene: N/A
Hey, that’s my fantasy, too! Sweet sparkling wine, Jaime’s tits on top of your head, a seductive look, and then her permission to touch all the secret places. This scenario is beyond heaven, a divine happening.
Scene: N/A
Sorry about the steaming pile of white mess that I’ve left under the sheets, but no one warned me that there’s a scene with Jaime Pressly’s pussy being (almost) touched. And I use this term loosely because who knows what happened, really, but fucking hell!
Also, perhaps it’s a lame thing to do, but we’ve noticed that most of our complements are about her attractive face, boobs or ass. But it goes without saying that Jaime Pressly is one of the most skilled female actresses too.
Scene: N/A
For sure, it’s only her character’s pussy (as in acting) and not her own, but it’s not like Jaime’s physiognomy changed. Also, sometimes Hollywood uses naked body doubles, which would make you think that this is not Jaime, but like… I’m 99% sure it’s her body!
Scene: N/A
To cool you down from all the crazy scenes, Jaime jumped into a cold pool and then got out. And just so you could prolong the fantasy that’s Jaime’s naked body, this clip is slowed down to a crawl. No need to thank us, say a prayer for the blonde celebrity instead and wish her more nude scenes as well as good health.
Scene: N/A
Not Another Teen Movie (2001 Movie)
It’s pretty obvious that with age, Jaime Pressly stopped doing nude scenes and switched to “art” instead. The closest thing to a bare butt you’ve got in the early 2000s was this clip. Next were a few teases, but that’s pretty much it. And while I say that about many celebs, it’s such a shame that the nude scenes tap was closed.
Scene: N/A
Fastlane (2002 – 2003 TV Series)
Probably to raise ratings to the max, Jaime’s character was asked to kiss a fellow hot babe. I’m not sure about the other woman’s name, but man, this clip could’ve been more explosive than a truck of dynamite, assuming they both would’ve been naked.
Fastlane S01E11
Cruel World (2005 Movie)
The sexiest scene from the Cruel World movie is shown above. It features a bit more mature Jaime Pressly, who reminds me of a now dead Jesse Jane, a blond pornstar with a magnetic personality, friendly character, and a cute face.
As for our beloved superstar, Jaime, even with a few articles of clothing, you can’t help but cherish the time that is spent watching the performance.
Scene: N/A
DOA: Dead or Alive (2006 Movie)
As I’ve told you already, Jaime stopped doing fully naked scenes, at least for now, and is all about teasers. Since the situation hasn’t changed in the 2020s, we shouldn’t expect more nudes, but if something else comes up, come to RedBled for more!
By the way, she isn’t done with acting with new movies coming out left and right. Perhaps celebrity gods will bless us with more skin in the 2030s.
Scene: N/A
So, what’s the legacy that Jaime leaves for the world to see? Well, all the nudes you know and love are documented here, which means we want to end this article on a positive, perhaps less hot piece of media. It’s a compilation of Jaime Pressly enjoying life, making everyone around herself wet or hard, jumping around and showing a butt crack.
Scene: N/A