#01. Brazzers
#02. RealityKings
#03. Chaturbate
Elle Macpherson’s popularity comes in waves but like the world’s oceans or upcoming tides, it’s never at zero. My favorite fact about Elle is how she became known as “The Body” after appearing in a total of five Sports Illustrated Swimsuit covers in the 1980s. Obviously, this woman is more than just a hot body and for sure, my goal is to show you Elle Macpherson’s nudes, but at the same time, appreciate her as a human being.
I’d say that compared to other TheFappening celebs, Elle, in terms of current popularity, is somewhere between Jessica Parker Kennedy and Laura Haddock. Perhaps she’s no longer interested in acting and is more about doing philanthropy work and other businesses, but just maybe my article will make her relive the best parts of “nude acting” and give Elle ideas to do more movies.
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Birthdate: March 29, 1964
Location: Cronulla, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5 feet 11 inches (1.82m)
Weight: 125 lbs. (57kg)
A pussy without panties in the middle, some leg spreading on the right side and two sets of beautiful titties, that’s the start! Elle Macpherson is in the middle, in case you have no clue who she is! By the way, did you know that she appeared in the Friends series too? Not as a main character, obviously, but yes, Elle starred together with Jennifer Aniston.
Even if there are dozens of Elle Macpherson’s boob pictures or full-frontal nudes, her butt is a far rarer sight in mainstream movies. She was a model, so it’s not like the internet is scarce of her material, but as far as showing the tender ass for the casual audience, these side shows are the only ones to see.
The next two pics show Elle Macpherson’s beautiful titties in a crispy, Full HD quality. I was able to screencap them from a clip that was a few seconds long. However, everything else, as far as lesbian games go, are of slightly lower resolution that is, for your pleasure, has been upscaled.
On top of an exposed boob lives a round nipple that reminds me of a popcorn. If you fuck (any) woman hard enough, your sweat will drip right onto those nipples and that’s, my friends, is a salted popcorn, something you can gently nibble while appreciating a naked body.
There’s more to say about this unfortunate nude in the video section, but it blows my mind how, for reasons that are unknown, the producers have decided to use unnatural white lighting. Who wants to see a pale white skin anyway? Yes, there’s a subniche of white skin pornstars and a few thousand men are into it, but for the full movie? Give me a break.
Back when Sirens hit the theaters, Elle Macpherson wasn’t as famous as she is now, but people still, for obvious reasons, realize who the female star is. Now, all these years later, staring at the early stages of her career gives me a nostalgic feeling. Am I the only one to remember this movie?
They serve refreshments in the middle of a meal, and that’s how I feel about Elle Macpherson’s nudes. Enough of boobs, nipples, or side-ass pictures; we now hit the most delicious and secretive part of Elle, which is a pussy. Unlike shy celebs who should know better, Elle has spread it wide enough for everyone to see.
For sure, I hope it was a steamy hot day and these pussies started to sweat. Not because I’m jerking off to the thought of a pussy smell but because it sounds funny. Also, the logistics of arranging a naked shooting of multiple women must be wild considering periods. You need to coordinate all that into a few days of shooting.
In the middle of a pond is unclothed Elle Macpherson, a masterpiece in making. If I had to choose alternative, the brunette on the left with natural torpedo tits would be it, followed by the blond. And while you could argue that the blond is hotter, I prefer thicker boobs as that gives me far stronger boners.
Picture no more! Perhaps you were wondering if you’ll see Elle Macpherson’s tits one more time, standing next to those of a torpedo, but here you are. It takes a lot of confidence to appear naked and when you add multiple women with (sometimes) far better assets, it must suck. Of course, we’re speaking about women other than Elle Macpherson, as she’s the biggest and hottest of them all.
Yeah, you know what that means in porn movies, but in regular media, it’s just babes, no masturbation. I’d love to have a word with Siren’s producer just to see what he was thinking. Was the idea to create a “shocker” so everyone kept promoting it via word of mouth, or is there an artistic reason for nudes?
Tanning beds must’ve existed in the late 80s, so it’s bizarre to see a fairly pale butt, yet somehow it makes the entire scene even better. When flirting with a naked woman who has no panties and whose pussy (or ass) is fully tanned, I start wondering about the logistics of such a tan.
Yes, the sex scene screencaps you’ve seen above are from the same movie. Regarding celebrity nudes or their history, Elle Macpherson will leave a solid legacy. We have seen pretty much everything minus hardcore sex.
With a vibe of the 60s movies where actors kissed without moving much or sometimes with hands covering every part of her face, we have Elle’s performance of a female-loving character. You’ll be happy to know that there’s more to it.
Masking a raging boner is far harder than a wet spot between your legs. Hell, it’s super easy, especially with the invention of jeans. So we’ll have to rely on fantasies and speculations alone where I dream that both women were becoming horny, wet, steamy, all these things.
Some pussy, some more pussy on the other side, four pairs of natural tits as well as women of unprecedented beauty should’ve made this film a far higher success. Yet, sometimes nudity isn’t enough, but hey, years later, we’re still talking about Elle Macpherson’s appearance.
Like a final goodbye, we’re closing this section with Elle’s friend and a kiss. Yeah, perhaps women kissing each other no longer excites you, but it’s your own fault. As soon as I’m done writing this article, my PornHub history will become populated with “hot MILF lesbians” or similar keywords.
Sirens (1994 Movie)
No other movie has contributed as much to the world of celeb nudes as Sirens. I can’t believe it was even “a movie” because while there’s a plot, it’s hard to follow it due to constant nudity. Perhaps producers were looking for excuses to get all the hottest celebs, including Elle Macpherson, naked, which is fine with me. Also, it worked, at least in the sense that everyone is butt naked, although there was never a sequel.
Scene: N/A
By how he acts, the guy on the left is probably blind, at least in a movie. Otherwise, why would you be staring at the sky instead of all the nude women around you? Furthermore, back in the 90s the weather was much better and the same can be said about water quality. Can you imagine drinking anything from a pond in the 2020s? Yeah, no, thank you, even if Elle Macpherson’s or her friends’ possies soaked in that water for hours.
Scene: N/A
A playful, not forced scenario, in which another woman is “asked” to undress is on the menu platter today. Ignoring a cute blond who’s about to get her tits exposed, Elle Macpherson has a beautiful pair of boobs. It feels wrong to call them tits or breasts because boobs is so much more sophisticated term.
Scene: N/A
Bring in the heavyweight champion of all nudes, which is a clearly visible pussy. Even by the 1990s standards, a hairy beaver was somewhat of a diminishing trend, but you know the tricks celebs use to mask the pussy lips. Thanks to a patch of hair, it’s harder than ever to see the succulent flaps. At the same time, it’s interesting how a “naturally hairy” appearance makes all pussies look identical.
Scene: N/A
Side boobs, front tits, pussy, beavers, it’s like a Happy Meal of celeb nudes, and Elle Macpherson is at the center stage. There’s obviously a reason in the movie why they had to undress, and it has something to do with posting, but Jesus… It watches more like a porn movie from the 80s or 90s than a traditional cinema. Even Game of Thrones is tame by Sirens’ standards.
Scene: N/A
To be fair, this could be from Sirens or other movie because it watches almost as CGI porn. However, based on multiple sources, people claim that this clip is from the movie and not an adult video game. Either way, there’s no shame in jerking off to Elle Macpherson, a computer-generated version of her, or other celebs.
Scene: N/A
Forget motivational posters for climbing the highest mountains because a short view of epic nude women at the top will do the trick. Judging by my anxiety levels, I’d climb to the top and get a heart attack from thinking too much about disappointing all but perhaps one woman. For sure, Elle Macpherson is the hottest babe of them all.
Scene: N/A
Since Sirens experimented with so many nudes that you’d label it a softcore movie, it was weird to see how the movie makers didn’t tell the actress to remove the top. Elle Macpherson is for sure, a very well-respected woman and perhaps the best nude scenes were left for her. But do you know what’s cool about this sexual clip? You can talk about how wet the model is, pussy, boobs, nipples, all of it.
Scene: N/A
Man, the lighting in this video makes Elle Macpherson look like a zombie, and I’m not into dead people. You’ve had a clip full of the most incredible boobs of all time, yet it was somewhat ruined. Perhaps we’ll adjust it down the road, make skin tones darker, reduce white light or something else, but for now… Yep, the hottest naked scene with Elle Macpherson is now ruined.
Scene: N/A
A Girl Thing (2001 TV Movie)
What follows next is a boatload of female kissing GIFs with Elle Macpherson. If we take into account all the different clips, then Elle competes directly with Jessica Parker Kennedy, a celeb with countless lesbian scenes. However, in Parker’s case, at least, it’s easy to “get it” because she identifies as bisexual. Here, we’re not sure, but for sure, female celeb kissing is our favorite plot idea.
Scene: N/A
Of all sexual Elle Macpherson’s fantasies, this one is in the top three. But what started as an innocent peck on the lips transitioned into passionate lip sucking action followed by a lesbian sex scene. This whole film is nothing but Elle kissing with a hot short-haired MILF. My brain is yet to transition into seeing aging women kissing one another because even porn films mostly feature stars in the 20s or 30s.
Scene: N/A
It’s fun to witness this whole thing unfold but nothing tops streaming A Girl Thing for the first time. My go-to template for watching any films is that I don’t read descriptions or watch trailers, so when Elle Macpherson had a first kiss, I was beyond excited. However, a few minutes later, it just keep on progressing and we’ll try to build-up to the exact same feeling.
Scene: N/A
Now, we’re moving into a territory of lesbian softcore because while the character is different from Elle Macpherson, the emotions she feels are identical. Unless she’s deeply disturbed or creeped out, chances are that Elle did experience at least some joy at the peak of neck kissing. How could you not, right? Otherwise, she wouldn’t have signed up for the role of a long and steamy lesbian session.
Scene: N/A
Where do you go next? A natural progression of all the lesbian clips with Elle Macpherson would be to show her naked and that’s what happens. I mean, people get naked to fuck, which is what you’d expect here. Hence, the next three clips will make your dick hard or pussy wet. And you know what? That’s cool because it means your body is functioning properly, don’t get ashamed for having a hard-on or a wet ass pussy.
Scene: N/A
At the beginning of the end, a clip shows undressed Elle Macpherson enjoying female company. I swear there’s even some tongue action involved, which makes me wonder how exactly women felt at the time of filming. Perhaps they were a bit shy at first but then realized that they’re into it, moving from pecks to wet kisses, seeing positive reaction, and adjusting tongue accordingly.
Scene: N/A
Probably out of respect for Elle Macpherson, the fellow actress kissed only around her nipples and boobs as that would make it somehow over the top. But here’s a kicker: these nude scenes are the reason why there’s an article in the first place. Usually, we cover only the latest celebs that are active, but the exception had to be made and I’m glad!
Scene: N/A
All things have come to an end, and as far as Elle Macpherson’s nudes go, or this scene specifically, this is it. The movie, however, didn’t end there, and there were a few more clips, including of them hanging out in the club, etc. But none of that was worthy of a post exception maybe for one or two ten second shots. Since they didn’t progress into mode nudes or simulated sex, I feel like one will be good enough.
Scene: N/A
As far as Elle Macpherson’s nude or sexy videos go, this is the last one. Whatever is coming next remains to be seen, but chances are that this will be the final movie in her “legacy”, for better or worse. There’s nothing else planned, it seems.
Scene: N/A